Men, Men, Men
I’ve always wondered about the men and women in romance novels and songs that provoke such deep feelings. The song Have You Ever Really Loved a Woman, or Lady In Red. The movie When a Man Loves a Woman… Men who understand and appreciate the women they love. What makes those women so special? What is it that men see in the women they honestly truly madly deeply love. The kind of love that makes them never want to even look at another besides her? A woman who ruins them for all others? Are there really men out there that love so deeply that they can’t think of anything but her? Driving him to distraction? All he can think about is holding her, possessing her and owning her, fucking her, sucking on her? Where are those men? Are they just figments of our imagination? Most of these authors are women, afterall. Are they what we WANT, but never find? And honestly are they truly men who we would want? Should they remain a fantasy?
After reading hundreds of these stories where these men love whole heartedly. Love, want, crave, can’t live without her, looking at her his heart skips a beat. The smell of her makes his mouth water, he can’t wait to dive into her, kiss every inch of her skin. Touch her, love her, make her come over and over again, before he even considers his own release. He worships and cherishes her. Loving her with his entire being. Skilled lovers who know a woman’s body, knows his woman’s body. Where are the men who want to possess and dominate, make her his property? Fiercely protect what is his. What women would be offended by a man like that? Yes, please, own me, worship me, make me feel like I am the most beautiful and desired woman you have laid eyes on. Wine me, dine me, undress me with your eyes across a room. Kiss me breathless and make my panties melt. I’ll be yours forever. What woman would fight that? What woman wouldn’t want an alpha male to hold her tightly and never want to let her go?
The thoughts men seem to have in these romance novels. Tasting her for the first time and how good she tastes and smells. How they can’t wait to get their tongue on her. How much they enjoy teasing her and getting her almost to orgasm and then backing off and starting all over again. They control themselves, not looking out for their pleasure, but for her and her pleasure. I’ve been with a few men. I have had exactly one who enjoyed oral, liked the smell left in his beard. I had one man, same one again, who actually cared that I came. I’ve had men ask me if I did, which, damn in these books these men KNOW when she is about to come and can control it. Where are these men?
I feel dense and inadequate as a lover sometimes. Have I ever noticed a man’s pupils dilating when he’s turned on? NO. Have I ever seen “hooded eyes”? What the hell are they? Have I ever noticed how my body feels or what it’s doing when I am “chasing my orgasm”? I actually kind of like that phrase, it’s very descriptive. NO I haven’t noticed. I am too busy being one single throbbing orgasm at those times to notice anything. I don’t think I have ever had anyone want to watch me come and memorize the way my face distorts. I do remember watching a lover come above me with the skin hanging loosely from his face. Odd. I don’t remember thinking it was lovely or sexy, just odd.
Last thing, well maybe… Am I the only person who doesn’t talk dirty? I have never said, Fuck ME please! I don’t think I have ever said “Please” to anyone for any reason in the bedroom. I know I have never had anyone ask me if they could fuck me. Harder, faster... sure I get that. Have a man pound the shit out of me with his penis, NO. I do not want someone pounding into my cervix, it’s kind of uncomfortable. And a G spot? I have never had anyone hit mine, not that I would probably know what it was or what it felt like anyway. I have read books, and searched for this elusive spot inside, that you can only feel, not see and I have never found one yet.
Size? Does size matter? Well I would love to try a man with a large penis who actually knows what to do with it. But I have found that men with smaller penises are better lovers, try harder to please. Big dicks are usually just that, big dicks.
©Shauna Marie 2017 All rights reserved.
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