Internet Dating Rules for Women
Ok girls, did you read the previous post, Internet Dating, Rules for Men? Yeah? Good. All of that applies to you as well. One thing I want to reiterate: keep your knees together. No matter how bad you want him, sex is not what will keep him around. I mean if all you want is to fuck him, then go for it. But if you are truly hoping, be honest with yourself here, for an LTR… do not sleep with him until you know for sure where his head… the one on his shoulders girls… is at in the dating game. Is he just some hustler who wants a one night stand or a week or two of booty calls? If so, send him on his way, you will feel much better about yourself for it. Setting yourself up for the right expectations is the key.
I am ashamed I have to say this to any grown woman, but I have heard this a few times from guys and it really bothers me more than I can say. If you are a gold digger, if all you want is a sugar daddy to pay your rent, help you out financially, raise your kids.... damn honey, men, just like us, should NOT be used this way. What the fuck gives you the right to bitch that a guy asked you for money and you do things like this? Men are not ATM's. They have true flesh and blood feelings, just like you. They have been hurt, used and abused, just like you. Don't treat them the way someone else treated you. Karma people. I do not want to piss Karma off, she is an evil bitch... She will make you reap what you sow.
1. Read his profile thoroughly. Don’t play games with yourself and make allowances because he is a good looking man, whatever. Looks mean nothing if he isn’t interested in the same thing you are. What is he actually saying in his profile? Is he saying he is looking for “fun times or a fun girl”? Yep he is not ready to settle down and get serious. Move on.
2. Personally, these are my musts: Divorced, single, widowed. (We all know I did not follow this rule and am currently paying for it.) He must be looking for a long-term relationship. He has to be over a certain age, mine is 40. He must be living in the US. I do not like short men, so he must be over 5’10”, it’s a preference ladies, just like his love of fat girls, I like a tall man. Looks mean nothing to me, personality and his ability to make me feel something is much more important than a pretty face. If I fall in love with him, he’s going to be gorgeous in my eyes, so who cares. Within reason, I mean he can’t look like an ape or have piercings all over his body, that isn’t my thing. Someone else can have that. And he has to have been with a supersized woman before or at least have a reality check of what he might be getting into. We have limitations and he needs to understand that. Tell him yours, get it out so you don’t stress about it later when getting ready to meet. I know I look at that first look too. Is there shock and disgust or attraction and hotness?
3. Marital status, is he still married? Screw it if he’s still attached in any way. You do not want to be in the middle of a nasty divorce, child custody, ex-wife bullshit. If he’s divorced, fine most of that is dealt with, but separated… hell no. He has a long way to go, probably a back and forth and at least one more, “just for memories” to spend with her and once the wife knows he’s dating she could become vindictive and evil, we all know how women can be at times. Ask him how long he’s been divorced. Has he had long enough to deal with all of the damage and things HE did wrong, it takes two. If he tells you it was her fault, he’s not accepting his part in it. So now that we know he’s single and is ready to move on….
4. What do you want? What are you looking for? You need to have this firmly in your mind. Don’t be wishy-washy about it. If you are looking for a LTR, marriage and friendship, tell him that. Please do not sell yourself short here. Don’t do it backwards, get to know him. Get to know what his intentions are and what kind of man he is. If he turns you on, great, attraction is a good thing. It doesn’t mean you have to act on it. It means you learn about him. Find out if he wants to learn about you. Does he ask questions. Does he want to dig into your life? Share? This is how friendships start.
5. Can he deal with a fat girl? How does he act in public? Is he constantly looking around to see who might be staring or what kind of attention he’s attracting being with you? Is he checking out other women in the area? Or does he focus on you? Does he look into your eyes when he talks? Does he watch your mouth when you talk? Does he touch your arm, your leg, your hair? Is he courteous and respectful to you? Other people? Does he brag about how many fights he gets into? Or how much he drinks? If you just let them talk, they will tell you a lot, (or hang themselves) just listen. Listen with more than your ears. If you’ve arrived separately where you are meeting, does he walk you to your car? Does he offer to open your door? Does he want to kiss you good night? Or does he hug you at the door and go to his car and you go to yours? So, he has no thought about your safety at all, that is not cool.
6. I want you to think about this while you are sitting there stewing in your own juices deciding if you want to sleep with him or not. How are you going to feel when you wake up tomorrow morning and he’s snuck out without saying goodbye? That you probably won’t ever hear from him again? How does that make your pussy feel now? (Did you even have an orgasm?) You will beat yourself up, find every single fault you may or may not have, at that point it doesn’t matter.
7. Please be smart about who you talk to. I have had run-ins with scammers, if you read my other blogs, you know this, I won’t repeat it. I will say a few things that should make you take caution. A real man, not a scammer, will take his time. He will not rush into asking you to marry. He won't be confessing his love for you after two conversations. He won't send you long wonderful emails that are romantic and sweet that make you swoon… check one of the paragraphs. Just copy and past parts of it in google, see where they stole it from. Check his photos in googles image finder. Check out the show on MTV, Catfish, I’ve watched it on Hulu.
8. Talk to them on google hangouts, video chat, skype, even facebook has a video chat. There are all kinds of apps out there to use, talk live face to face whenever you can. Call at odd times, when unexpected. If you can get them to send you proof of who they are, a driver’s license, passport, anything like that with their picture and in the least the state they live in. An address would be perfect. A piece of paper with your name on it, live and on-screen would help. There are any number of ways to prove it. If they refuse to do any of this, then move on please. A real person is not going to have an issue looking you in the eye.
9. Remember a few things: a very nice looking man, with lots of money and a fantastic job is more than likely not going to be on a dating site with his pic for all of the world to see. If your guy says he is from Germany, been living here in the US for most of his life but still doesn’t understand the jargon or slang we use here and still has an accent so thick you can't understand him, question that. Question that hard please. He will lie. He will cheat. He will do anything to get money from you and playing your emotions is how he does it. Making you feel like you aren’t trusting him and he says he will be your husband, how can you possibly not trust him. How can he trust you. On and on…. Run, please just run now before you get sucked in any further.
10. My last piece of advice to you, sisters. Know that you are worth it. You are worth their love, concern, respect, interest, romance. You deserve it all. Treat yourself like you do. No nude pics please, keep your titties in your bra, don’t sell yourself short. You are worth more than his fetish, sure that is a plus, but come on, you can only fuck for so long, then what? THEN WHAT?
Your thoughts? got any advice for those readers who have experienced any of these things? Leave your comments below. Hugs... Shauna
©Shauna Marie 2017 All rights reserved.
Your thoughts? got any advice for those readers who have experienced any of these things? Leave your comments below. Hugs... Shauna
©Shauna Marie 2017 All rights reserved.
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