Internet Dating .... An Update
It's been awhile since I updated you on the dating front... well there's not much to say really. The married man is gone, his lame excuse... "You are just too far away." Ok, got the hint, "You just aren't worth the effort." Loud and clear!
Met Tall guy. Actually in person. Very nice guy, very very nice. I think too nice really, for me. I am a rotten sexual being and he is... a little sexually repressed I think? Have no idea with this one, he was falling in love one day, wanting to be the best boyfriend I ever had and dumped me the next (well a few days later. It all happened in the course of a couple of weeks... What the hell is it with me?
Again, I would say to the guys out there:
Hugs and wishes for luck to you....
Shauna Marie
Met Tall guy. Actually in person. Very nice guy, very very nice. I think too nice really, for me. I am a rotten sexual being and he is... a little sexually repressed I think? Have no idea with this one, he was falling in love one day, wanting to be the best boyfriend I ever had and dumped me the next (well a few days later. It all happened in the course of a couple of weeks... What the hell is it with me?
Again, I would say to the guys out there:
- Be honest. Be open. We are adults not children. If you can't handle breaking it off with someone with some honesty, then don't date. Maybe its a misunderstanding, miscommunication. After all you are both new to each other. Fuck, give it at least a conversation. If you care enough.
- I really think that all this electronic bullshit is part of the issue. Sarcasm, teasing, playing do not translate well in texts. You have no idea the tone in which the writer made the comments. So pick up the phone and actually use your vocal chords instead of your thumbs.
- Take the initiative, be brave and speak your mind. I don't understand "being on your best behavior," you should be on your worst behavior. If they cant handle your worst, it will never work.
Hugs and wishes for luck to you....
Shauna Marie
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