
Showing posts from March, 2018

The Promise Book Two Cover Reveal

Hey Everyone I have been a busy little bee. Book two is finished, edited and ready to go out to you. It will be released on March 30th! Here is the cover. I can't wait for you to read the conclusion of Jenni and Jude's story.

A book Review of The Promise by Akayla Furrows

Book Review: THE PROMISE by  akaylafurrows  •  March 7, 2018 Available Now on Amazon:  The Promise This one has it all. It begins sweet. All roses, hearts and unicorns, we learn the story of Jude and Jenni’s secret erotic desires for each other. But soon after, hold on to your seats, SHTF! That sweet love story turns into a violent darkness of mammoth proportions…. With one not knowing what the other is thinking, their ‘Promise’ to each other begins to waver… Keeping promises is not easy when a blast from the past knocks Jude sideways and sends Jenni running for her life. Suspicions, lies, and misunderstandings have both Jude and Jenni fighting to remember their Promise. This is the author of  Mending Hearts , she delivered then and has published this whopper now. This is another fantastic story was written by  Shauna Marie . If you’ve read  Mending Hearts,  then you know…. The sex scenes are incredibly sensuous, the darkness is incre...


The past few weeks have been hard. Between the 16th anniversary of my mother's death, I'm sorry but you never get OVER it, you just get used to it. Still, when I published my first book, it was her I wanted to tell so badly. So I planned book two to come out on that anniversary, it was important to me. Because of Mark, it was a day late. He has been heavy on my mind. I have been losing sleep over this guy. Why? Why him? Because of how he made me feel. I realized today that it’s not him, per se, that I miss, but the fantasy of him. The dream he allowed me of what a future with him could have been like. The lovemaking, the talking, the laughing, sharing, loving and touching.  Connecting on a deeper intimate level, that I have not connected on in so many many years.  So thank you for that, thank you. I really do hope you find what you’re looking for and that she deserves you and makes you happy. But it's time for me to let go of the fantasy of us.   Goodbye....